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At Fonvirtual We Phone Number List Implemented

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WebRTC technology in our business communication solutions.  WebRTC ( Web Real-Time Communication ), is an open source software developed by Google that phone number list our virtual switchboard and call center software to be used from the same browser and from any device connected to the Internet: computer, mobile, tablet, etc. . The operation of these tools, completely from the cloud, therefore offers total ubiquity for workers ; These can be connected from your home computer, your mobile, the office computer, etc., indistinctly. For this reason, employees can take these phone number list home at any time, without the need to do any type of installation, without buying equipment...  

Likewise, this allows the company not to limit itself to hiring workers from a specific geographical area, but rather to they will be able to count on a national and phone number list team, in which the customer market can also be expanded. External and internal communication: calls, chat and video Fonvirtual switchboard and call center solutions integrate external communication solutions, but also others that facilitate and improve internal communication phone number list employees, whether they work from home, or in the same office or in different locations. Employees will be able to continue phone number list and making calls from the company's head landline(s) from home and on behalf of the company (without having to install anything).

Also, they will be able to create video conference rooms with clients, as well as integrate WhatsApp API in the same switchboard panel, to manage everything from there. Company communication does not end here. Communication between employees can also be carried out with this same platform through internal calls, internal chat, sending and receiving files, three-way calls phone number list  internal videoconferences. Isolation problems and communication difficulties are solved thanks to this tool. time control In the disadvantages we talked about the concern of the companies for not being able to control the working hours and not having a record of it.  Fonvirtual's virtual switchboard phone number list workers to activate and deactivate, at the same time that they change their "status" in case of absence from work: not available , absent, I'll be right back...  

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