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This build focuses on using your spells to heal your allies

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As you may know, the Bard class is a versatile class that can be used for both offensive and defensive purposes. In the Dark and Darker Update Dark And Darker Gold, the Bard class has received some significant changes, which have made it even more versatile.

When it comes to building a Bard, there are several perks and songs that you can choose from. In this guide, we will take a look at some of the best Bard builds in the game and discuss the perks and songs that you should consider using.

First, let's talk about the perks that you should consider using in your Bard build. One of the most important perks for a Bard is "Cantrips". This perk allows your Bard to cast additional spells each turn, which can be very useful for dealing damage or supporting your allies.

Another important perk for a Bard is "Minstrel's Melody". This perk allows your Bard to gain additional spell slots each turn, which can be very useful for casting a wide variety of spells.

In addition to these perks, there are several songs that you should consider using in your Bard build. One of the most important songs for a Bard is "Eternal Harmony". This song allows your Bard to gain additional health and mana each turn, which can be very useful for surviving in combat.

Another important song for a Bard is "Soul of the Harvest". This song allows your Bard to gain additional damage and spell power each turn, which can be very useful for dealing damage to your enemies.

Finally, let's talk about some of the best Bard builds in the game. One of the most popular Bard builds is the "Healing Bard". This build focuses on using your spells to heal your allies and protect them from harm. You can use songs like "Eternal Harmony" and "Soul of the Harvest" to increase your healing output and make your allies stronger.

Another popular Bard build is the "Damage Bard". This build focuses on using your spells to deal damage to your enemies and support your allies buy Dark And Darker Gold Coins. You can use songs like "Soul of the Harvest" and "Eternal Harmony" to increase your damage output and make your enemies weaker.

In conclusion, the Bard class is a versatile class that can be used for both offensive and defensive purposes. When it comes to building a Bard, there are several perks and songs that you should consider using. Some of the best Bard builds in the game include the "Healing Bard" and the "Damage Bard". You can use songs like "Eternal Harmony" and "Soul of the Harvest" to increase your output and make your build more effective.

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