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TWITTER / January 14 Twitter Spaces: recording is available for all users TRENDS / January 14 Digital trend book: download our 2022 guide PROJECT MANAGEMENT / Sponsored Trends 2022: the importance of collaboration for digital professionals Brazil Phone Number List See all articles Receive all the latest digital news by email Your email Your emailOkay By clicking on "Ok", you accept the T&Cs as well as our privacy policy describing the purpose of the processing of your personal data. APPLE / MOBILE iPhone bug: solutions to the most common problems Arthur Aballéa / Posted on Brazil Phone Number List January 14, 2022 at 09:19 To share Discover a list of tips to easily solve common iPhone problems. Many

solutions exist to solve recurring problems on iPhones. If you're having battery life Brazil Phone Number List issues An abnormally rapid drop in the battery of your iPhone for no apparent reason can be explained in two ways: the permanent use of certain applications in the background, a damaged battery. To identify the nature of the problem, go to the Settings application , and choose Brazil Phone Number List the Battery section . First, be sure to check out Battery Health , which tells you the maximum battery percentage your iPhone can currently accumulate compared to when the battery was new. It is generally recommended to change the battery when this percentage drops below 80%. Apple also states that "the more your battery's health deteriorates,

its ability to provide optimal performance decreases" . Secondly, if the state of Brazil Phone Number List your battery is above 80%, go to the Battery category and look at the applications that consume the most. If some are running in the background and are useless to you, go to General , then Refresh in background and disable them.If your iPhone won't turn on or gets Brazil Phone Number List frozen In the event that your iPhone no longer turns on or displays a black screen, try to force restart it using the following techniques: for iPhone 8 and above (including iPhone SE 2nd generation), briefly press the volume + button, then Brazil Phone Number Listbriefly press the volume – button and finally press and hold the side button until you see the Apple logo.

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