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Increase foot traffic for Buerger King, registering its highest levels in the last 4 years, while sales from the mobile section tripled during the campaign, generating results 40 times better than the best promotion historical digital image that the Phone Number Database had had prior to this campaign. As if that were not enough, The Whopper Detour also generated long-term dividends as it increased the customer base in the mobile section by 33 percent, which led to an improvement in the 2019 sales projection, increasing it to 15 million dollars. Finally, as Phone Number Database achievement of the campaign, there was also the precedent that managed to double sales from the app from the promotion, with a Phone Number Database on investment of 37 to 1. Finally.
In the advertising section, this campaign managed to win 19 recognitions in the last edition of Cannes Lions, being the most awarded of all. Among them, 3 Grand Prix stand out, including a Titanium. "A campaign phone number database farting cows", this is how Burger King's latest ad was described , but the brand has already responded Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on linkedin Share on whatsapp Share by email 07/14/2020 Written by Phone Number Database Nava Marketing , Advertising , Public Relations That politics criticizes or audits brands is not new, just remember what happened with Facebook in the Cambridge Analytica case, but it Phone Number Database not so common for these types of lawsuits to be externalized through social networks.

As we have just seen. do with US Senator Ted Cruz and Burger King. Burger King launched its Cows Menu campaign on Tuesday Its objective is to promote its Whopper prepared with cattle meat that produces 33 percent less methane emissions. But, for Phone Number Database Ted Cruz it is nothing more than "a campaign about farting cows" That politics criticizes or audits brands is not new, just remember what happened with Facebook in the Cambridge Analytica case, but it is not so common for these types of lawsuits to be Phone Number Database through social networks, as we have just seen. do with US Senator Ted Cruz and Burger King.