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What is Reddit Flair? An Introduction to How to Use it to Your Advantage

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Whenyou're logged into your Reddit account, one of the first things that will bedisplayed is your "Flairset" or "Reddit Gold". If you don'tknow what that is, it is an emblem that shows whether or not you have recentlybeen approved by the Reddit community to have flair on your Reddit profilepage. If you haven't already, you'll see it at the very bottom of your profilepage. It will also be there if you have done a new post, or your picture wasadded within the last hour.
Thisflair is a little bit special because it is actually an indicator of howdevoted a post is. Flair also indicates the amount of Karma a user has, buycraigslist accounts as well as how many down votes they have. Havinga lot of karma is something that can only be done by being active on otherforums and posting on common subjects.
However,not all redditors have a flair for every single subject on the site. Someredditors have flair for a specific type of thing. For example, if someone hasflair for movies, but not for music, they are simply telling the world thatthey like either music or movies, but they do not like both. The same goes fortechnology or sports, etc. When you see a "Reddit Flair" on a post,it means that the post belongs to that user alone. This means they own the postand no one else can have it.
Togain Karma, you need to make sure you do some work on certain topics in thereddiquette section of the site. There are specific rules about what isacceptable to write on reddits and what is not acceptable. buyedu email Ifyou follow these rules, then you should be fine, but there are some editors whojust want to take down any posts they see that have to do with certain thingsor which are related to certain things. When this happens, and they flairsomeone's post, karma drops quickly. For those people, earning areas quickly istheir only goal.
Ifyou want to know what is Reddit flair and why it matters, then you need to readmore about it. You can easily find this out by looking at the right sidebarunder the About Us section. If you see a flair for "curb spam", buyyahoo accounts then you probably shouldn't be clicking on it or evenreading it because it is not going to help you. The flair is there to telleditors what kind of submissions they can make, and they will vote accordingly.
Itis important to remember when participating in reddits that you do so the rightway. Participating in a thread or commenting on one will garner attention fromother users. However, you do not go around posting whatever you want in thetitle or body of your Reddit post. What you want to do is create thoughtfulcomments that add value to the conversation. This is called shadowbanning. Ashadowbox is when someone is shadow banned from posting in a certain area oreven getting a link in the comment.
Thereare many editors who use this tactic to gain karma when posting. They simplysearch through every single post on reddits with the "shadowbanned"flair and then copy the url addresses and post them in their posts. buytwitter accounts If you do this often enough, eventually you will beable to shadowbanned yourself from ever having to worry about Reddit flair or ashadowbox again. In addition to shadowbannishing yourself from ever gaining aflair, shadowbanning other redditors also causes them to lose karma and theirability to post links.
Youraccount on reddit is a platform to express yourself and your opinion. Becauseof this, creditors can vote you down and highlight positive comments about youso other users can see. This is one way that you can earn quick karma andincrease your level on most of the popular reddits. However, buyfacebook accounts if you're constantly posting on important topicsand getting your karma bumped, there is a better option.

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