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how to follow someone on Facebook

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If you arewondering how to follow someone on Facebook, this article will tell you thetricks of the trade. It seems as if there are so many users on the socialnetworking site that you can easily get lost in the midst of all of the otherpeople. It can be easy to get confused and wonder how to follow someone onFacebook. buy facebookaccounts It is not really as hard as it may seem. All it takes is abit of patience and you will eventually know how to do it properly. Thisarticle explains how to follow someone on Facebook.
Step One: Ifyou friend someone on Facebook that you have not seen for quite some time, itmight take a while before you actually find out how to follow them. The firstthing that you need to do is open up your default social media site and loginas normal as you can. Step Two: login to the Facebook account of the personthat you wish to follow. Step Three: On the upper left of the main page thereis the News Feed button. Click on it.
Step Four:Search for the individual that you wish to follow. Once you are on their newsfeed page, you will notice a blue circle beneath their picture. Click on the"edit" link next to the circle. Select "Stop Seeing." buyyahoo accounts Once done, you will see that the individual that youwish to stop seeing will have their profile page changed to the page with the"no-following" icon above it.
Step Five:Open up your browser and log into the Facebook website. You will need to accessthe settings page, if you don't know how to do that then go to the bottom ofyour browser window and turn on the options there. You can turn on the Facebookapplications settings where you can select the types of features that you wishto use within your profile page such as the News Feed and Customize Boxes ifyou are wondering how to follow someone on Facebook. By turning these featureson, you will be able to start to stop others from being able to see the latestupdates about your friends.
Step Six:Install the Facebook Mobile Website app and open it up. It is recommended thatyou download the free app to get started. buytwitter accounts Once you have downloaded the app, you will need tomake sure that it is enabled to be able to read text messages on the mobilebrowser. In order to do this, you will need to go to the "Settings"section. Select the overflow menu and click on "Settings."
The nextstep on how to follow someone on Facebook for someone followed is to go to thesection where you access email on the android device. At the bottom of the pageyou will see a link labeled "texting and internet using apps." Tap onit will take you to an option where you can enable the email feature. This willallow you to access your mobile email on the phone and view all the messagesthat have been sent or received.
The laststep on how to follow someone on Facebook for someone followed is to go back tothe main page and click on the "Friends" icon in the lower right handcorner. This will bring up the entire social network where you will find allyour friends and current connections. buyedu email Clicking on one person's name will take you to theirpersonal profile where you can click on the button that says"Unfollow." This will prevent that person from having their page evershow up when you visit that person's page again. The Facebook platform hasreally  made it very easy to remainupdated with your friends through their app, and you don't have to worry aboutfollowing someone because they're not following you back.
These arejust two of the most basic methods for you to follow someone on Facebook forsomeone followed, but you can definitely find other methods as well. If you'rewondering how to follow someone on Facebook for someone who has only recentlystarted following you, try to look at their News Feed more often. When you see thatnews feed being updated more frequently by the same person, then you can startto remove that person from your list of connections by tapping on the orange"Remove" button at the bottom of their profile.buy craigslistaccounts You might not immediately get them to follow you back, butif they continue to make updates to their News Feed than you should get theidea that they're still a fan of your page.

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